Head to Table
5 years ago

Episode 15 - Night Draws In

Did you know that non-elven advenurers spend, on average, one third of their adventuring lives asleep? And that the greatest threat to a sleeping adventurer is a noisy tent-mate? Armed with this knowledge, our sleepy boys do what all good adventurers must and finally take a long rest! But, faced with the unedifying prospect of an hour-long podcast of uninterrupted snoring, they decide to set-about redesigning the nightly watch, common to so many RPGs. Will we make it through a night in these menacing lands when faced with a party members’ night terrors and other noisy nap-time activities? Join us to find out!

Head to Table is Thom Rawson and Tom Snowden. Check us out on Twitter at @headtotable or at headtotable.com.